So a lot has been going on this week, I thought today would be a good day to get my blog on and keep you in the loop. First, for those of you interested in the Nike+ challenge Nathan threw at me, of all people that ended up winning, it was a late entry that ended up taking the prize. That’s right – my wife, Mary Kate, is the winner. I told her the victory didn’t count since she wasn’t even one of the options on my blog poll – I don’t think she bought it though.
I shot a wedding for a really cool couple Tuesday evening up in the Hill Country near Austin. I can’t wait to break off a few pictures here for your viewing pleasure. The chapel they were married at had the most incredible view and you have to love a bride that just laughs when it rains on her wedding day. David and Jennifer were just a lot of fun to work with but I will save the rest of the story for when I post some of the pictures here – hopefully this evening.
So one of my wife’s good friends, Stacie Jones, is getting married next month. MK and all the other bridesmaids, and of course the bride, left for Vegas this morning. It’s supposed to be a bachelorette party or some such non-sense. I am just hoping she comes back. Since my wife is in the bridal party, Stacie and her fiance Chris went with another photographer so I could just relax and enjoy myself… allegedly… I think it is going to be odd being at a wedding and not being the photographer. Other than my own wedding, I am not sure if I’ve ever just been a guest… hmmm… maybe that’s only interesting to me… 🙂
So with all the rain San Antonio has been getting this year, it’s probably been a good year to be in the lawn mowing business. It seems like I just mowed my lawn last weekend and the grass is already well over my ankles again. It’s funny because my dog doesn’t like to go outside to pee when the grass gets long – I think the grass rubs on her belly or something. Needless to say, watching her struggle with apprehension but still needing to take care of business is almost worth the price of letting the grass get to high! Don’t go calling PETA on me – I will be cutting it again this weekend…
So since we have now had 2 or 3 days in a row without rain, I thought today would be a good day to ride the motorcycle in to work. So I am driving down the freeway on 410, just about to go under the I-10 interchange when I see a bunch of cereal boxes all over the road. It’s like a truck carrying cereal lost about 20 or 30 boxes and they are all over the road. So every time a car hits one, it explodes into a little dark cloud of chocolatey goodness. I rode through about 4 of those Cocoa Puff clouds and I have to say, it was AWESOME!
Lots of shooting going on this weekend AND football season kicks off on Sunday. Is there a better time of year than Fall?