Take a look at this image. Is it spinning clockwise or counter-clockwise?
I saw this on someone else’s blog last week and it had me mesmerized. Allegedly, is you see the image spinning counter-clockwise you are psycho! Heh, just joking, if you see it spinning counter-clockwise you are supposed to be more left-brained. Clockwise, naturally, would mean you’re more right brained.
Now personally, the first time I saw it, I saw it spinning clockwise and I couldn’t make it switch directions. The next day, I went back to the page and it was spinning counter-clockwise, but I was able to concentrate and change it back and forth. Today I am looking at it and it is spinning counter-clockwise and I can’t change it.
My good friend Horbi just came over and he says that the image itself keeps changing back and forth and he isn’t trying to make it change. I, on the other hand, have been sitting here looking at the exact same thing he is looking at and it hasn’t changed for me, still counter-clockwise. It’s possible that Horbi is drunk.
uses logic
detail oriented
facts rule
words and language
present and past
math and science
can comprehend
order/pattern perception
knows object name
reality based
forms strategies
uses feeling
“big picture” oriented
imagination rules
symbols and images
present and future
philosophy & religion
can “get it” (i.e. meaning)
spatial perception
knows object function
fantasy based
presents possibilities
risk taking
For those of you wondering what it means if you are able to make it change direction, frankly, I have no idea but I am leaning toward my original hypothesis – you are psycho!
Rebecca - I was really pulling for you for a win however I think I lost my focus while channeling winning thoughts to you because I was too busy trying to get the dancer in the post below to switch directions. I have spent way too much time over the last few days trying to get the lady to switch on command–all to no avail. Anyways, sorry to hear about the loss. Hope you had lots of sympathy beer after.
Brandy - Sorry to hear about the loss…you should really stop the whole posting the day before saying how you’re gonna win…you are puttin a crazy jinx on your team 🙂
Kirstin - You are crazy, stranger! What is winning anyways? You had fun while you played, right? I know, that is a very girl thing to say. Hopefully you and your team are not too heartbroken!
Dave Q. - Loser.