How you doin…

Someone asked me today if I neglected to post about last night’s softball game because we lost. After repeatedly pummeling that old lady, I regained my composure and assured her that while we had indeed lost the game, I wasn’t running from said loss and I would post about it before the end of the day. So there you have it old lady, we lost. I hope you’re happy now.

It was good game right up until that losing part though. We played the team with the porn-ish name that I am really not comfortable posting here, you may remember me posting about them last season. They are a good team with a lot of really cool players and I like that team a lot. That was probably our 7th or 8th time playing them in the last year and a half and we have pretty evenly split the games. I like them because they’re good, they play hard and they don’t talk a lot of trash. Cool team but with a porno name… Kinda weird… 🙂

So Mary Kate is out of town on business this week and when I came home today I noticed someone had been messing with my computer. I started doing some investigating and it turns out, my dog tried to sell my wife’s cat on Craigslist. Completely Awesome! Anyway, if you’re interested in buying the cat or if you just want to have a look at the ad, you can check it out here. Turns out my dog is not so bad at taking pictures. My dog, Blue, has approached me about the idea of starting her own blog, which I think is not a half bad idea. Stay tuned for details.

Last Friday I shot an e-session with Mandy and Andy. He is finishing up medical school and she is a nurse. I am pretty sure they met while they were bowling or something. Anyway, they are a really cool couple and we got some really good shots. Check back tomorrow to check them out…

Happy March 12th!


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