So some of the more observant visitors to the blog have noticed the world map of the blog hits and asked me about it. Those are actual locations of people checking out the blog and yes there are some hits from both Afghanistan and Iraq. It turns out, I may be shooting a wedding in the Spring of 2008 for a very cool couple that are over there serving our country. I am REALLY excited about this wedding, not only because Kirstin and her family seem so cool but also because what they’re doing really means a lot to me. I don’t want to jinx it by giving away too much info but let’s just say I am REALLY excited about the potential.
So for those of you that didn’t notice the map, I don’t want you to go getting an inferiority complex about your observation skills (or lack of in this case). Let’s just say that I probably won’t be asking you to house sit if my wife and I ever go on vacation though. I mean you might see we have food and water dishes for a dog and a cat and not even realize that we actually HAVE a dog and a cat! Sorry, I can’t risk it. I care about the dog too much and she needs to get her munch on.
edited to add: ummmm no, I would not be going over to Iraq to shoot the wedding – they are both coming back to San Antonio and thankfully they are coming back soon…