So there I was at the grocery store the other day, Tuesday to be exact, cruising down the frozen food aisle searching for my favorite Boston Market frozen whatever… I don’t know why I never think about them when they aren’t staring me in the face but this particular day, out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of my one true, deep, fiery passionate love – ice cream sandwiches.
I’ve loved ice cream sandwiches as long as I can remember. They are, without a doubt, my favorite ice cream treat. Sometimes I buy the mini sandwiches because I think it’s funny that I can eat the whole thing in one bite. Of course, when my mini ice cream sandwich is gone, then that whole ‘one bite’ thing isn’t so friggin funny any more!
I think one of my favorite things to do while I am slowly consuming my dairy based soul-mate is to lick some of the ice cream out of the gap between the breaded part of the sandwich and create as deep of a valley as I can all the way around. I really wish I could take my time when I eat them but, me, attempting to eat an ice cream sandwich slowly is the actual definition of futility. Seriously, look it up…
Anyway, I am writing this today for a few reasons. First, I haven’t written anything in a while and this is what has been on my mind all morning because I had one for breakfast. Second, I don’t know why but if the ice cream sanwiches aren’t staring me in the face when I am at the grocery store, I never seem to remember to get them. Third, and saddest of the reasons I am writing, I bought a 24 pack of ice cream sandwiches on Tuesday. Today is Friday and there are only like 3 left.
I seriously might have a problem.