Monthly Archives: May 2008

Wii Fit…

I am having a Wii fit this evening. So unless you live in a cave, you’ve probably heard of Nintendo’s new Wii game, Wii Fit. It’s basically Nintendo’s valiant effort to get hardcore gamers like myself to be a little more active and a lot less fat. So like all really cool video game stuff, […]

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Paintball and other oddities…

From time to time I do the occasional thing that has no meaning and no real purpose. For the most part MK puts up with this kind of non-sense and allows me to have my fun. The current oddity is paintball. I don’t know why but I’ve just recently decided that I need to get […]

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Hello strangers…

I know it’s not just me that has been neglecting his\her blogging responsibilities lately. Quite a few of the blogs I frequent have been delinquent as well so I would like to personally hold them all responsible for my indiscretions too. 🙂 On that note, it is kind of sad that I haven’t been writing […]

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