Monthly Archives: October 2007

Lamenting the Loss…

Ok, leeches. We lost 16-12. I had a really good feeling about last night too. So there you have it, the first three of you to comment, be sure and leave an email address or something so I can get in touch with you. What did I ever do to you karma? I hope you’re […]

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Tonight’s Game…

So I am going to go ahead and call a win for our softball team tonight before the game is even played! If we DON’T win tonight I will give the first 3 people that leave a comment in tomorrow’s blog, “Lamenting the Loss”, a free Sprayberry Photography T-Shirt! That’s right boys and girls, a […]

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Which way did she go?

Take a look at this image. Is it spinning clockwise or counter-clockwise? I saw this on someone else’s blog last week and it had me mesmerized. Allegedly, is you see the image spinning counter-clockwise you are psycho! Heh, just joking, if you see it spinning counter-clockwise you are supposed to be more left-brained. Clockwise, naturally, […]

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Are there still hobos?

So before I get to these pictures, I have to tell a really funny story about when I was 4 or 5 years old. My older brother, Rick, had decided to dress up as a hobo for Halloween. I was just a midget and I had no idea what a hobo was so my mom explained to […]

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What the #%^*?

Ok, first things first. Who in the Sam Hill voted for Kwanza as the best holiday? Sometimes I think I have a blog readership with a few closet short bus riders. Of course that would make me a short bus driver and you can’t exactly pimp a short bus so I am retracting the short bus reader […]

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