Category Archives: That’s Odd…

I was fat???

Thanks a lot for not telling me… It seems like for better part of a decade (or two) I have been a little on the rotund side. I remember when I was a kid, I was actually rail thin. We used to go to Sears to get school clothes because I was a tad rough […]

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It’s all about the hair…

Many, many decades ago, there was this social networking site on the internet called MySpace. Back in the day, it was a pretty cool place to keep up with your friends, long before it was taken over by teeny boppers and thugs. So I am only mildly embarassed to admit that many moons ago, I […]

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Dear Deoderant Makers…

Dear Deoderant Makers, I know this will seem like an odd rant but I feel I need to share something with you that has been bothering me for the last four or five years. You see, I am just an average guy – a regular joe if you will. I just want a regular old run […]

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Paintball and other oddities…

From time to time I do the occasional thing that has no meaning and no real purpose. For the most part MK puts up with this kind of non-sense and allows me to have my fun. The current oddity is paintball. I don’t know why but I’ve just recently decided that I need to get […]

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