Category Archives: Food

Let me count the ways…

So there I was at the grocery store the other day, Tuesday to be exact, cruising down the frozen food aisle searching for my favorite Boston Market frozen whatever… I don’t know why I never think about them when they aren’t staring me in the face but this particular day, out of the corner of […]

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Giving Thanks!

For Thanksgiving this year, MK and I went to North Carolina to visit her mom, her brother and her brother’s girlfriend. It was a magical trip, full of food, football and food. As I was sitting there watching football (and probably eating), one of the commentators asked me, his listening audience, what I was thankful for that […]

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A little inside info…

I will let you in on a little secret. After every portrait shoot I do, I always stop by Sonic and get a Route 44 Cherry Lime-Aid. I know, I am a high roller right? So anyway, I’ve been kind of bummed for the last month or so because the Sonic by our house has […]

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Life’s Greatest Quandaries…

So here I am sitting here thinking how awesome it would be if I had some Skittles right now. I have a bag of M&Ms but it just isn’t the same. Why is that? While we’re on the subject of Skittles, a little known fact about my dog is that she was almost named Skittles […]

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Is it me???

So in addition to Jack Handy’s awesome thought for the day, I thought I would leave you with this – so you too can lose sleep over it… So MK and I were visiting with some awesome clients we will be shooting next year at Center Point Station in San Marcos. When ever we go […]

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